Going on a Hiatus

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to let you know that I may not be posting for awhile, but I will try to post some cool recipes from time to time in the upcoming weeks. In the meantime I thought I would give everyone a brief life update. Plus, I went to the grocery store today for an upcoming recipe so here is a picture I took.

With finals coming up I have been quite panicked about school. I feel like I need to come up with a way to deal with all my assignments that are piling up at the end of the year. It is a little difficult to find a way to balance all of my classes, but I’m sure I’ll manage. I have been procrastinating on a lot of things, but I always find a way to get it all done. I want to find more effective ways to study like, flashcards or online quizzes, but nothing is proving to be effective. If you guys have some great studying methods be sure to let me know, it would help a lot!

Also, if you didn’t know I used to have extremely long hair, and this past weekend I cut all of it off to above my shoulders. Of course I donated it to locks of love, and I hope it will be useful to someone. I honestly can’t remember a time that I did not have long hair, and I will admit it did feel really weird at first, but I am getting used to it now. I really do like shorter hair more, than having to deal with my long hair all the time. It was always such a hassle to brush it every morning and to use half a bottle of shampoo every time I take a shower. I am still learning the ropes on how to properly style it and what not, but so far so good. I think I am going to keep this short for now, rather than growing it out. I will insert a picture here of me right after my haircut.

Please comment below or message me if you have any ideas for the future of this blog. Also, I hope you have a great day!